2009年11月11日~12日 深圳
主题词:机遇 成长
Richard H. Small: Accurate and Meaningful Measurement of Loudspeaker Characteristics扬声器特性的准确和有效测量
John Vanderkooy:Crossover networks: are they necessary?分频网络:确实需要吗?
Sean E. Olive:The Subjective Evaluation of Loudspeakers扬声器主观评价
Wolfgang Klippel:Distributed Mechanical Parameters Describing Vibration and Sound Radiation of Loudspeaker Drive Units扬声器单元振动和声辐射的力学分布式参数
Mark Dodd:A New Methodology for the Acoustic Design of Compression Driver Phase-Plugs with Concentric Annular Channels同心环形通道压缩策动单元相位塞的声学设计新方法
Steve Temme:New Perceptual Method for Measuring Rub&Buzz