Dr. FENG Jie

Vice director of the third research institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation

Feng Jie, professorate senior engineer, deputy director of the Third Research Institute of CETC, chairman of the China Electro-Acoustics Standardization Committee, received The State Council Special Allowance, and expert in the field of navigation and TT&C. He recived his PhD degree from Northwestern Polytechnical University in 2007, focusing on theoretical and technical research in the field of acoustics for a long time. His technical interests and research activities are in the areas of ocean monitoring, underwater communication and navigation, acoustic signal processing, and acoustic sensor technology. With rich theoretical and practical experience, he has undertaken more than 20 national-level projects including National Key S&T Special Projects and 863 special projects, won 7 scientific and technological progress awards above the provincial and ministerial level, authorized more than 20 Issued patents, and authored or co-authored more than 30 journal papers.